Awareness Program on Drinking Water Contamination and its Related Health Issues
August 8, 2023Miracle Educational Society had organized a Drinking Water Awareness Program on 5th August 2023. This awareness program was conducted in the BS&H department e-classroom at our premises by the college management. Mrs. P Kalyani, Sujok Acupressure Therapist and Wellness trainer had attended the event as chief guest. The main purpose of the program is to educate the staff and the students on drinking water contamination and its related health issues.
Mrs. P Kalyani explained some of the benefits of drinking purified water and the health hazards caused by unpurified water. She also discussed the quality of water based on the pH value, causes of water contamination, and testing of various water samples. Later she mentioned the importance of deionized water, the uses of alkaline water, the introduction to domestic deionized instruments, and the effects of consuming soft drinks like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, etc. The students found it very valuable to know the facts and importance of drinking purified water.