General Code of Conduct

  • Classes start from 9.15 a.m. and may continue up to 4.00 p.m. on all six days of a week (Monday to Saturday). Students are advised to come to the Institute by 9:00 am to attend classes. As per university rules, 75% attendance is mandatory to appear in the semester-end examination
  • Students must adhere to the dress code of the institute
  • Use of mobile phones in the classrooms, library, labs, workshop area, etc is strictly prohibited
  • Every student must carry his/her Identity Card while entering the campus and identify himself with the help of the Identity Card whenever asked for
  • No guests/visitors shall be allowed with the students in the class/lab/library
  • Students must help keep the institute neat and clean and also preserve and maintain the greeneries. Eatables/beverages are not allowed inside the study areas including labs, libraries, workshops. Students should have their tiffin inside the canteen or classroom
  • Smoking is prohibited on the premises of the institute
  • Students must conserve electricity and water. They must switch off lights and fans when they leave the classroom, laboratories

Following activities shall be deemed as an act of indiscipline

  • Disruption of, or improper interference with the academic, administrative, sporting, social or other activities of the institute, whether on institute premises or elsewhere
  • Using abusive language and creating nuisance in the premises of this institute, disturbing the peace and independent rights of fellow students and faculty members
  • Violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening or offensive behavior or language and action likely to cause injury or impair safety on these premises; whilst on MES or engaged in any activity in MES or for MES
  • Fraud, deceit, deception, dishonesty, or theft concerning this institute or its staff, or in connection with holding any office in MES, or concerning being a student of this institute
  • Action likely to cause sexual or racial harassment of any student, member of staff or other employees of this institute or any authorized visitor of this institute
  • Damage to, or defacement of MES property caused intentionally or recklessly, or misappropriation of such property which includes, damaging library books, resources, and furniture like cupboards/lockers/file cabinets/walls/doors/windows/whiteboard/tables/equipment/chairs, etc. by way of writing names/painting/scribbling, etc.
  • Misuse or unauthorized use of the institute premises or items of property, including computer misuse
  • Being instrumental directly or indirectly for mass absenteeism or boycott of classes resulted in vitiating the atmosphere of the institute. Threatening, physically preventing, or using any other means from preventing the students from attending classes
  • Consuming drugs, alcohol, or any other activity in campus/hostel is construed as a societal offense at large

Penalties for a minor disciplinary violation

  •  A warning to be issued to the student for the first offense may not be placed in the students’ records. However, in case of a repeat offense, the censure may be placed on the student’s record and may invite action
  • A fine may be imposed for each violation/offense
  • Withholding scholarship or other benefits/grade card/offer letters

Penalties for ragging

  • Withholding scholarships or other benefits
  • Debarring from representation in events
  • Withhold results
  • Suspend or expel from hostel or institute